Mortgage Calculators

Buy to let and residential mortgage calculators

Residential mortgage calculator

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Solid close Solid Warning Solid check
Mortgage type?

Estimated monthly payment*

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*Please be aware, these results are for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered as a mortgage quote. Lender fees may also be applicable.

If selecting ‘Repayment’ as your mortgage type:

The estimated monthly payment is based on a repayment mortgage and may vary depending on the term and interest rate of your mortgage.

If selecting ‘Interest only’ as your mortgage type:

Monthly repayment consists of chargeable interest only. There is no monthly capital payment for this type of mortgage. As no capital repayments are made during the term of the mortgage, monthly costs are lower, however you will not be reducing the balance of the mortgage and the equity in your home or property will be dependent on increases or decreases in market prices. Suitable in limited circumstances for people who do not wish to repay the capital until the end of the mortgage term. Repayment of the loan is self-managed by you and would usually be paid from proceeds of the sale of your home/property, inheritance, savings or investments. This type of mortgage is not accepted by all lenders. Lenders who offer this type of mortgage may require a repayment vehicle to repay the balance at the end of the term. If the proceeds of your repayment vehicle don’t cover the full amount of your mortgage, you will be responsible for paying the difference.

** The 4.7% annual interest rate is based on the Connells Group average mortgage interest rate taken from the period of 01/01/2024 – 31/12/2024 and is correct as at 13/02/2025.

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Trading office: Building Eight, Watchmoor Park, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 3YL

Registered in England No. 5695802

Tel: 01276 601040 or 0800 170 1888
